Data Visualization Compilation
A collection of data viz. exercises done over the years.
Individual Project
Research, Code, Illustrate, Think
Adobe Illustrator, P5js, AI tools

Sea Level Rise
This data contains “cumulative changes in sea level for the world’s oceans since 1880, based on a combination of long-term tide gauge measurements and recent satellite measurements. It shows average absolute sea level change, which refers to the height of the ocean surface, regardless of whether nearby land is rising or falling. Satellite data are based solely on measured sea level, while the long-term tide gauge data include a small correction factor because the size and shape of the oceans are changing slowly over time. (On average, the ocean floor has been gradually sinking since the last Ice Age peak, 20,000 years ago.
Metaphor of a beach is used with kinetic lines that mimic the motion of water. While scaling up or down to mimic water the proportion of scaling remains equal.
Built in p5js.
Carbon Dioxide PPM Concentration
"Parts per million (ppm) is a unit of measurement used to express the concentration of a gas in the atmosphere. The concentration of CO² in the Earth's atmosphere is commonly measured in parts per million (ppm) which currently is around 414 ppm, and it has been steadily increasing since the Industrial Revolution. The increase from 1958 to 2022 is approximately 31.11% which is a significant jump since to limit the global temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius, the CO2 concentration should be limited to 450 ppm or lower.
Here emitters are used as a marker of pollution and the outer sphere is used as a representation of atmosphere.
Built in p5js.
Delhi Modernist Wonders

A map / guide to Delhi's Modernist Architecture / Buildings.
Among all the Mughal ( Pre - colonial ) and British ( Colonial ) buildings in Delhi, the building from Modernist era (Independence to 2000s) are laregely ignored and undocumented. The map will offer a guide to such buildings for the enthusiastic folks.
Architects, Students and Tourists
Process -
2024 Lok Sabha Rally Tracker